Saturday, March 27, 2010

If You Can’t Say Anything Good, Don’t Say Anything At All

I think it was Will Rogers who said, “if you can’t say anything good about somebody, then don't say anything at all.” I wish I had said it because it is so true and expresses something that I am constantly trying to overcome. It is a continuous battle to not “go negative" about someone or something they said or did.

It doesn't serve any useful purpose for you to go negative, and it is hurtful and insensitive to do this. Instead, simply make positive comments or no comment at all.

I think it was in about 5 BC (Before Carole), when I was a “swinging bachelor,” that I had an embarrassing experience that stuck with me the rest of my life.

A cute girl that I always wanted to date finally broke up with the fellow she had been going with for a long time. I quickly seized on the opportunity and asked her out. Of course, while on the date she asked me what I thought of Mr. You-Know-Who. I was less than flattering in my opinion of him and didn’t hesitate to tell her what I thought. Of course, a short time later they got back together and I lost two friends. Lesson learned!

In no place is this lesson more true than in politics. You must be careful what you say about a colleague.

I could never be a politician … I am too inflexible. I discussed this one time with a close adviser to Speaker Newt Gingrich. I asked him how a politician could be so outspoken about someone’s position and later be all chummy with them. He told me that it was “not personal … just business.” You must be compromising because “today’s adversary could be tomorrow’s needed vote or supporter.”

If you observe most successful politicians, they will differ vehemently on the issues but are very careful not to attack personally.
So remember, "If you can’t say anything good, don't say anything at all."

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